Tag: warner bros
Lady Gaga is on a career high. Just this past weekend, she killed it at Coachella 2017, becoming only the second woman to headline the music and cultural festival. And now, Warner Bros. has released the first image for the musical remake of A Star Is Born. In the image,...
2016 was a hopeless year for DC. After the major disappointment that was Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, fans were hoping against hope that we would get some respite with the first anti-hero movie from any comics giant. Suicide Squad was smart when it came to the advertising and promotion of...
A beauty, indeed! Hollywood actress Amber Heard looks resplendent as Mera, Queen of Atlantis and Aquaman's love interest in DC Comic's upcoming movie, Justice League. Aquaman, played by Jason Momoa (who also played Khal Drogo on HBO's Game Of Thrones), got a few seconds in 2016's debacle that was Batman vs. Superman: Dawn...
Maybe Marvel superheroes have been grabbing all the attention (and profits) from moviegoers lately, so DC Comics decided to make a multi-superhero movie in a hurry, before the Summer release of anti-heroes in the Suicide Squad. So, taking advantage of Henry Cavill's solid contract, they went ahead and produced...
American entertainment production company Warner Bros Inc has announced its plans to venture in to the growing Chinese language movies. Chinese movies are slowly gaining popularity across the globe and more and more audience is getting drawn towards Chinese flicks.
Warner Bros has inked a deal with China’s China Media...
With the release of the last in the line of Twilight films, people around the world are looking forward to more movies centered on young-adults with a dark future. It appears Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. is cashing in on the growing worldwide trend, as it looks to satisfy the...
Hollywood FAQs: American film production house Warner Bros., will soon be launching a web series on the social networking site Facebook on October 18. The show which is named as ‘Aim High’ will be personalized for the viewers and is an action comedy series.
The series is about a boy...