The long-awaited Flash Season 3 will air on October 4th and 8 PM, with a few unexpected yet delightful surprises up its sleeve. With the reappearance of the Reverse Flash (guest star Matt Letscher), things can get a bit hairy. Barry needs to make that ultimate decision of embracing his life as Barry Allen or face his fate as crime busting speedster The Flash.
New Faces on The Flash Season 3
With Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale) finally making his appearance in Season 3 after the conclusion of Season 2, there’s no telling what will happen. The timeline is something that viewers will need to bear in mind throughout the season as the normal life of season 2 plays out in the season 3 premiere.

Tom Felton, known for his role in Harry Potter, will also make his appearance in season 3 of The Flash, as Julian Albert, Barry’s new coworker. Not much is known about this role yet, except for his apparent, yet surprisingly immediate disdain for Barry.
Joey King graces the screen as Magenta, a ferocious new meta who terrorizes the city with her metal-controlling antics in episode 3. Team Flash will also meet up with old friends from Earth-2, Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and Jesse (Violett Beane), who have some dilemmas of their own to deal with, such as convincing Jesse to take a step back from a life in the danger zone. Later on in the season, there is also the chance of possibly spotting the Earth-2 version of Caitlin in an episode directed by Kevin Smith entitled Killer Frost, but this is yet to be confirmed.
Here are a few highlights from The Flash Season 3 Gallery

A Paradox?
The third season of The Flash will provide the viewer with some answers to the many questions raised in season 2. The inner conflict of The Flash/Barry Allen will reach its climax as he realizes the full extent of Flashpoint.
Have a look at the official ‘The Flash’ Season 3 Poster!
The Flash Season 3 Episodes- Title, Air date & Official Synopsis
The Flash Season 3 Episode 1: Flashpoint
Barry (Grant Gustin) is living his dream life – his parents are alive, he’s asked Iris West (Candice Patton) on a date and he can finally be a normal guy as Central City has another speedster, Kid Flash (Keiynan Lonsdale), running around saving the city. When Barry starts forgetting parts of his old life, the Reverse Flash (guest star Matt Letscher) taunts his nemesis and tells him that there will be serious repercussions for Barry and the ones he loves if he continues to live in this alternate universe. In addition to losing his memories, his powers will also start to fade. When disaster strikes, Barry must decide if he wants to continue to live in this world as Barry Allen or return to his universe as The Flash.
Air date: 10/4/16
The Flash Season 3 Episode 2: Paradox
Barry (Grant Gustin) realizes the effects from Flashpoint are much greater than he thought. Meanwhile, Barry meets new co-worker Julian Albert (Tom Felton) and is surprised by Julian’s immediate disdain for Barry.
Air date: 10/11/16
The Flash Season 3 Episode 3: Magenta
Barry (Grant Gustin) and Team Flash are thrilled to reunite with Earth-2 Wells (Tom Cavanagh) and Jesse (guest star Violett Beane). Wells confides to Barry and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) that Jesse has all the powers of a speedster and has been saving people on his Earth. He is concerned about her safety and wants them to talk her out of using her powers. Meanwhile, Magenta, (guest star Joey King) a new meta who can control metal, terrorizes the city.
Air date: 10/18/16
The Flash Season 3 Episode 4: TBA
Air date: 10/25/16
The Flash Season 3 Episode 5: Monster
Air date: 11/01/16
The Flash Season 3 Episode 6: TBA
Air date: 11/08/16
The Flash Season 3 Episode 7: Killer Frost
Air date: 11/15/16
This episode will be directed by none other than Kevin Smith. The title of S3E7 is Killer Frost, suggesting that it either means a return for the Earth 2 version of Caitlin or a hint at a darker turn for the character.
Till then enjoy these teaser trailers released by CW.
And here’s the extended trailer!