Movie Review – Les Miserables

Eponine and Marius, the couple who never were exactly couple; from the pages of the Victor Hugo-written Les Miserables, are recreated with more passion and intrigue onscreen by Tom Hooper in his version of the play.

 Each and every actor in the star-studded tragedy, namely Anna Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe, Amanda Seyfried and Eddie Redmayne gives their best till date and makes the movie more beautiful and heart wrenching at the same time.

The film captures the wilful and proud Eponine in two periods of her life, one in 1815 as a child of inn owners and then in 1832 as a young destitute (played by Samantha Barks), who is still feisty and cool in spite of her miseries.  Her desire for Marius (Eddie Redmayne), the young student revolutionary estranged from his family because of his political views, keeps her going. However the handsome young man instantly falls in love with the beautiful Cosette (Amanda Seyfield) seeing her in the streets.

Anna Hathaway lights up the screen with her single take performance of “I Dream A Dream” and she is fantastic in every bit of her brief role; if this role fetches her an Oscar for the Best supporting Actress, it won’t be surprising.

On the other hand, the blessing of this movie could also turn out to be its curse. The incredible performance by the actors proved to be a negative point for the movie. The painful expression and the vivid characterization makes the songs redundant, the charm that was easy to create onstage gets lost in the close up shots as well.