Your Friendly Neighbor Spider-Man is Here!
Following Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker, who received the improved Spider Suit from the Iron Man himself, starts fighting Bad guys in his town.
Sony released the second official movie trailer of Spider-Man Homecoming on March 28, 2017 at Comic Con 2017 and it has created a storm of excitement among Marvel fans! Watch the entire movie trailer right here –
The Trailer invited mixed reactions from fans who took to Twitter to discuss what they thought of the trailer. Sony crammed a lot in the 2 min long Trailer showing Spider-Man fighting Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture with the Iron Man as his mentor.
Tom Holland hinted at a Harry Potter like plot where each movie of the franchise will be revolving around each school year of Peter Parker and how he manages school and crime fighting. The 20-year-old British actor has already appeared alongside most of The Avengers in last year’s Captain America: Civil War. However, it seems his own Spidey films are going to be much more grounded and really focus on what it’s like to be a super-kid who is still at school. This will be the first Spider-Man film featuring the youngest Spider-Man of all time.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is set to release on July 7, 2017. The Movie features Tom Holland as Spider-Man, Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man, Michael Keaton as Vulture and Marisa Tomei as Aunt May.
Now Avengers have them all, Gods, a Billionaire, Aliens, The Hulk and a kid!
Stay tuned for more updates Spider-Man: Homecoming and catch it’s movie review only on Hollywood FAQs!