Latest on Westworld – HBO Releases Second Episode Two Days Early (Its Out Now!)

westworld season 1 episode 2 chestnut

Looks like we won’t have to wait that long for Westworld Season 1 Episode 2.

HBO just released the second episode ahead of its scheduled premiere this Sunday. The episode, titled “Chestnut,” is now available to watch on HBO Now, HBO Go, and HBO On Demand.

So what are you waiting for? Drop everything and stream it now!

Its widely speculated that the advance release is an effort by HBO to avoid losing viewers to the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, which will air on this Sunday during Westworld‘s 9PM time slot.

“If You Can’t Tell, Does It Matter?” – AI host at theme park to a human visitor in Westworld Episode 2: Chestnut

In the original Michael Crichton film “Westworld,” park guests who wanted to know the difference between an android host and humans, they simply had to look at the hands. For all their scrupulous efforts to make the hosts look as real as possible, it’s explained that the designers couldn’t get the hands right, leaving conspicuous ridges around the joints.

But this flaw has been dealt with on the TV show. So the only way to differentiate is – to shoot them with a gun. If they shriek and collapse in a pool of their own blood, on being shot, then they’re hosts. But if they continue to nurse their wounds, then they’re off-course- human.

Just one episode in, Westworld has already received praise from critics, and its premiere last week was the most-watched debut episode of any HBO series. Around 3.3 million viewers tuned in for the Westworld premiere. HBO describes it as “a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it explores a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged.”

If you are still not sure what’s all the craze around Westworld about, just watch the opening credits and tell me if its not worth an hour of your time.