Mark Zuckerberg Announces Birth Of Baby

Facebook founder and philanthropist Mark Zuckerberg and his pediatric  doctor wife Priscilla Chan welcomed a baby girl, MAX and made the official announcement on where else – Facebook!

It was reported earlier that Zuckerberg will be taking two months’ paternity leave from handling the biggest social media network on the planet, to spend time with his new family.

However, this is not the only news taking the world by storm – he also announced that he will be utilizing 99% of Facebook share money for charitable and philanthropic causes. When calculated, that amount comes up to 45 billion dollars – yes, that’s with a B!

He also wrote a note that he made public describing to his daughter what he plans for her future and the world of our future.

You can read it by clicking HERE.

Zuckerberg and his wife have had one failed attempt at pregnancy before that ended in a miscarriage. He had earlier expressed that they have been trying hard to give birth to probably the world’s biggest heir or heiress.

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